Rosario has an extensive range of industrial, commercial, and service industries, which make this city the urban center of its metropolitan area.

The city is Argentina’s productive core and main agri-industrial hub, and its diversified economic structure provides multiple investment opportunities. 
At the same time, with a wide academic offering, Rosario's workforce is highly competitive.

Rosario features major public and private infrastructure, important land, air, and water transportation, and an outstanding supply of human capital, with a wide variety of educational and academic institutions and scientific-technological centers. A thick fabric of political, cultural, business, and social institutions set the beat of a dynamic, entrepreneurial city that has huge potential.

Rosario holds the majority of Santa Fe’s economically active population and contributes with over 50% of the province’s gross product.
Rosario is a multi-centralized city, with important open-air shopping areas, which are higher-density retail zones in the different districts and neighborhoods. In many of these, retailers have created organizations to make these areas even more attractive. By associating and cooperating, retailers look to promote, enhance, and bring each space back to life, while boosting profitability, attracting new customers, and creating collective competitive advantages.

The city has strong connectivity with the rest of the province and the country through a wide transportation network. The Rosario-Victoria Bridge is a road connection that is key both to the economy and goods transportation and for the development of regional tourism around Rosario. 

The Rosario Islas Malvinas International Airport is an updated air terminal located northwest of the city. Connectivity is complemented with a large sea connection, through the port of the city of Rosario, which is the second one in the country, both in population and economic activity. 

These characteristics, along with dock availability, and potential port expansion and development areas, make the city a true logistic hub that is constantly expanding.

As far as international commerce goes, Rosario serves a key role as the epicenter of the grain production in Argentina, in the core zone. 
46% of grain production, and 57% of soy bean production in particular, are harvested in the Rosario area. For this reason, the Greater Rosario area has considerable port and productive infrastructure. In terms of geographic distribution, the Greater Rosario area has the world’s largest seed oil industrial complex, with many large-scale factories located in a relatively small area. 
It is also one of the world’s largest soybean and soybean byproducts exports nodes, with over 80% of the country’s cereal and cereal byproduct exports being shipped from this port. This makes it one of the main financial and grain markets in Argentina, and one of the most important farming areas in the world.

On the other hand, business tourism is a growing sector of the tourism industry that moves millions of people that attend a wide variety of meetings and conferences, generating an important volume of business for the tourism industry and any related activities.

The hotel and restaurant sector is one of the most dynamic industries in the city, constantly creating jobs and adding value.

From an educational perspective, the National University of Rosario (UNR) is one of the country's most important universities, and is considered one of the best universities in Latin America. Rosario also produces important research, with 13 institutions of the National Council for Technical and Scientific Research (CONICET), all gathered in the Scientific-Technological Center. 

The Scientific-Technological Pole is an international reference center for scientific and technological innovation. It is the headquarters for regional companies developing software, biotechnology, telecommunications, engineering, and IT security, all of which comply with international quality standards. The knowledge-intensive sectors and the technological sector have massive development potential in the city.

Rosario’s legal framework and policies favor the establishment of factories, by promoting industrial land through city planning agreements, and by providing services to support established and emerging factories through credit lines. This gives the city a dynamic profile that attracts investments while enhancing and projecting that framework to the rest of Argentina and the world.

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